
1. What Structures Are

2. Creating Structure Variables

After you have the template, you can create variables of that type:

car RollsRoyce;		// RollRoyce is a structure variable of type car
car Mercedes;           // type car variable
car Ferrari;            // type car variable
Unlike C, C++ allows you to drop the keyword struct when you declare structure variables:
struct car Toyota;	// keyword struct required in C
car Toyota;             // keyword struct not required in C++

3.Initializing and Accessing Structure Members

// car_structure.cpp -- A simple structure

using namespace std;

struct car
    char name[20];       // an array member
    float volume;        // a float member
    double price;        // a double member
};			 // note the semicolon

int main()
	car Ferrari =		// always try to initialise all the members, 
	{			// seperating them by commas.
		"Ferrari 2.0",
		24000		// last member doesn't need a comma

	car Mercedes = 
		"Mercedes Benz",	// a name value
		340.0,			// volume value
		30000		 	// a price value

	cout << "The latest Ferrari model \"" 
		 << "\" costs $" << Ferrari.price << endl;

	cout << "The latest Mercedes model \""
		 << "\" costs $" << Mercedes.price << endl;

	cout << "If you're thinking of buying both models, it'll cost you $"
		 << Ferrari.price + Mercedes.price << endl;

	return 0;

The latest Ferrari model "Ferrari 2.0" costs $24000
The latest Mercedes model "Mercedes Benz" costs $30000
If you're thinking of buying both models, it'll cost you $54000

4. Local and External Structure Declarations

5. Assigning Structures to One Another

// car_assignment.cpp -- Assigning one structure to another of the same type
using namespace std;

struct car
    char name[20];       
    float volume;        
    double price;        

int main()
	car Ferrari =		
		"Ferrari 2.0",

	car Mercedes = 
		"Mercedes Benz",	

	// Before Assignment
	cout << "Before assigning Mercedes to Ferrari, "
	     << " was " 
	     << endl;

	// Assign Mercedes to Ferrari
	Ferrari = Mercedes;
	// After assignment
	cout << "After assigning Mercedes to Ferrari, "
		 << " is " 
	     << endl;

	return 0;

Before assigning Mercedes to Ferrari, was Ferrari 2.0
After assigning Mercedes to Ferrari, is Mercedes Benz

6. Declaring Structure Forms and Creating Structure Variables Together

You can combine the definition of a structure form with the creation of structure variables. To do so, follow the closing brace with the variable name or names.

struct car
    char name[20];       
    float volume;        
    double price;        
} Ferrari, Mercedes;

You can initialize a variable you create in this fashion.

struct car
    char name[20];       
    float volume;        
    double price;        
} Ferrari =
    "Ferrari 2.0",

7. Arrays of Structures

Its possible to create arrays whose elements are structures. The technique is exactly the same as for creating arrays of the fundamental types. For example, to create an array of 100 car types, do the following:

car Mitsubishi[100];	// an array of 100 car structures
Each element of the array, such as Mitsubishi[0] or Mitsubishi[99], is a car object and can be used with the membership operator:
cin >> Mitsubishi[0].volume;		// use volume member of first struct
cout << Mitsubishi[99].price << endl;	// display price member of the last struct
To initialize an array of structures, combine the rule for initializing arrays ( a brace- enclosed, comma-separated list of values for each element) with the rule for structures (a brace-enclosed, comma-separated list of values for each member). Such as:
car Hovercraft[2] =			// initializing an array of structs
        {"Hover1", 0.5, 21.99},		// first structure in an array
        {"Hover2", 2000, 564.4}		// next structure in an array

8. Links